Wildly fun
team building experiences
hosted by you

  • Jeopardy & Family Feud like games
  • Tens of different questions & answers
  • Your own branding
  • Customizable questions & answers
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Exciting Quiz Game for Churches

January 23, 2024

The bonds of the fellowship make people feel at home and safe in your congregation. The relationships that are forged at churches and religious gatherings can help people through some of life's biggest challenges.

Fostering a safe environment filled with support, teaching, joy and community is essential.

And what finer way to help knit those bonds than with fun?


It isn’t just something that is only for traditional church settings - any place of worship can benefit from fun-packed activities designed to strengthen bonds and create an enjoyable atmosphere.

Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

This is even more important for the younger generation and those who might be new to the congregation. Your community group and the church leaders that support them can all benefit from the joy of engagement.

And we can help!

Build powerful connections

You have probably experienced it when new church members arrive; they come once but never return. Or maybe they make a few appearances but stop coming slowly. Feeling like they belong and that the congregation offers them something in terms of support and safety doesn’t happen overnight. But the real trick to making people feel safe, supported, and surrounded by love is what happens outside of the regular church.

Regular church is the thread that pulls people together, but fun activities and meetings foster and strengthen the closeness that creates the tapestry for a life-long community.

Quiz nights are one of the many activities you can do to help create a community outside the regular church. And that community helps all members of your fellowship - both young and old.

It is important to note that it works for all religious groups - any space that brings people together for the purpose of faith.

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

How do quizzes help with building community?

There are a lot of things that can stand in the way of people feeling relaxed and fully being able to embrace their faith. One of the biggest is not feeling a sense of belonging; that missing sense of belonging can translate to people wondering if your church or gathering is really for them.

Using fun, the atmosphere is more relaxed than it might ordinarily be; there will be more smiling faces and an excited buzz - and that is an atmosphere that people want to be around. It feels incredibly welcoming and can quickly ease new people into the community. A sense of joy and belonging quickly follows when fun is had.

When using Quizado to create your quizzes for these community-building events, you can create any quiz type that you want—personalizing your quiz to what matters to the congregation and you as their guide.

  • Quizado quizzes offer some enjoyment and an escape from daily stressors.
  • Church quizzes with Quizado can work for any age group and be tailored to your congregation.
  • Fun church quizzes encourage people to communicate and work together.
  • Creating a Bible trivia game for your church with Quizado can support bible knowledge, teachings, and spreading the word.

Finally, one of the most important factors that come from using Quizado to create Bible quiz games and trivia for your church is that with communication, healthy competition, and fun - stronger relationships within the congregation are built.


How Quizado quizzes can improve bible teachings and community

Having ideas on how to build your community is a lot easier than putting them into action! This is why family quiz afternoons, evenings for adults, and days for youth groups are a great start.

People are familiar with how quizzes work and are always more comfortable taking part in something when they understand how to do it. And the bonus with Quizado is that it is based on the traditional (and much loved) Family Feud! So, even for those who aren't sure - it won't take long to learn.

When implementing quizzes into your community building, here are a couple of things that should be kept in mind.

Purpose of church quizzes with Quizado

What is the defined purpose of your quiz sessions? You can break it down; for example, with youth groups, church quizzes can be used to test for knowledge gaps - giving youth leaders a clear direction for how to shape the religious teachings.

When it comes to older congregants, not only can quizzes be insightful and a little more in-depth, but they can also be used to combat loneliness and encourage older fellowship members to make some connections.

Perhaps one of the most essential parts of your community is families with young children. While it is a wonderful time, it can be isolating and full of new challenges for the parents - your church congregation can be a source of solace, support, and a breather from the challenges they may face outside of the safety of the church walls and community.

Creating family days with quizzes for the parents and older children and somewhere safe for the children to play can be the biggest and most impactful support of the family's faith and community building.

Use Quizado church quizzes to meet community needs

Part of being a supportive religious space is understanding the difficulties faced by your members and finding a way to meet their spiritual and emotional needs. Most often, the need is for a stronger social network. Within those fun and exciting meet-ups and quizzes, you have the opportunity to share the messages that help different members - at the same time.

Since you can create the quiz questions, you can cater to the needs of your congregation and support a wide range of teaching - through fun.

Quizado church quiz events help with reaching out

Your church should be somewhere that offers safety and support to everyone - including strangers. With the open church doors and an event that anyone in the community can attend, you might be surprised by how many community members decide to stop by for an informal, fun day. Many use this as an excuse (really, a reason to do something they have wanted to do for a while) to check out the church without feeling worried about it.

Opening the doors to regulars and newcomers is spreading love and kindness.

Quizzes at church develop authentic connections

Church friendships can last a lifetime - but they must first be made. Authentic connections are more than just being able to share a space for a few hours a week. Using a bible quiz, the congregation gets to know each other more and will work together in a team to try to win. This is a huge dose of fun, and working together is one of the ways that loose connections can be strengthened.

Having fun with the church community isn’t just for the people who attend; it is also for the leaders of the church and church groups. As Proverb 27:23-37 MSG tells us, Know your sheep by name; carefully attend to your flock.

Faith can follow fun quiz night attendance

When people come to family days and Bible quiz nights at the church, they might already feel connected to the purpose but need to come to it fully in their own time. Remembering that faith and true belief can come after fun, community, and attendance is vital.


How does a fun Quizado Bible quiz help with community?

Faith should be joyous, and fun is a big part of joy. While there are many serious lessons for the bible to teach, the joy of God and Jesus Christ is one that we also need to learn - and hold with us as we walk through life.

We should be delighted in the world around us and the opportunity to build a community that honors things the same way we do.

Fun and faith are vital for the younger members; more fun in the learning experience means they are going to want to come back - and they are going to associate faith with fun, safety, and happiness.

How to make the most of Quizado for your church

You might already be thinking about how you can include Quizado quizzes for your church gatherings; here are a couple of extra ideas that can work wonders:

  • Family days in the summer, Easter and Christmas
  • Help with youth group teaching and engagement
  • Daytime community gatherings for the older members of the congregation
  • Community outreach - directed at the local residents who may not be church members
  • To inject some fun into regular learning, find out who understands the morals and teachings, and some super fun Bible Trivia.

Practical elements of Quizado quizzes for your church

One of the most practical and important features of Quizado is that it can be personalized to your church's needs. Incorporate the logo and colors so that you constantly infuse a sense of belonging and fun!

To see how you can best set up your teams, here is a guide to help: Quizado Helpdesk - How to configure teams?

To play a Quizado quiz, you will need:

  • Quizado application - you can get it here: Get Quizado
  • At least two teams - but you can create more
  • Someone to host the game - a great opportunity for members of the congregation to host events!
  • Computer (if you want to play remotely)
  • External screen: LCD monitor, projector, or TV for playing in-person
  • Mobile device (if you want to use it as a remote control) Buzzer

But we are always on hand to help with any information you need about setting up your game! Reach out any time at [email protected] - we love to help.

The game has two screens that you need to know about:


Check out the Quizado Features page for a more in-depth guide and a full features list.

One of the features that other Quizado users appreciate is that the game can be used without the internet - so you can play anywhere that it suits, without the distractions of the internet.

What's more, is that you can get Quizado to test out using the demo set for free right now! Look for the Test It Now button at the top right of the screen on a desktop or in the menu in the top left on a mobile.


With Quizado you can create exciting and fun-packed games for your congregation to help people feel a sense of joy, belonging and excitement to get involved in church events.

Ready to have fun?

Download Quizado for iOS

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