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Fun Online Team-Building Game For Remote Teams

February 11, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many employees to work remotely. But this situation brings many logistical problems, affecting the well-being of employees and their relationships with co-workers. One way to prevent such effects of prolonged isolation is online team building.

Remote and on-site work during the pandemic

The survey says that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many offices and workplaces operate remotely only, or the time that employees spend on-site is limited to a minimum. Because of this, activities such as team building meetings or team building trips are absent. The home office is a solution that may slow down the spread of the virus, but it's also a source of organizational, communication, and logistical problems. Thus, it harms employees' relationships, their well-being, and mental health.


The impact of the pandemic on mental health

The COVID-19 pandemic causes a considerable challenge to the well-being of a massive part of the population. The current situation creates several problems and risks, which include:

  • the economic crisis and the associated fear of job loss, reduced wages, or rising essential products prices

  • fear of the virus itself and worrying about the health of loved ones

  • stress and frustration related to isolation and limited access to most of the old activities and entertainment

  • difficult access to medical care, including departments related to mental health protection and addiction prevention

  • the need to stay at home all the time (often in minimal space), which can generate conflicts between family members

  • difficult access to physical activity outdoors, which hurts well-being and health

  • stress associated with the need to adapt to new work standards

With so many overlapping difficulties and problems, more and more people are experiencing a decline in their well-being or are starting to experience mental health problems. This is true for every age and social group that has been affected by pandemic-related restrictions.

How does isolation affect relationships between co-workers?

The COVID-19 pandemic strongly impacts interpersonal bonds, including relationships between employees. People who work remotely, and those who still work on-site feel isolated due to social distance. That's why employees feel anxious, depressed, uninspired, and tired, as well as reluctant to interact with others. This situation slowly causes shallowing and deterioration of relationships between employees, lowers their motivation, and consequently decreases the entire team's productivity.

Remote team building

Fortunately, direct contact isn't the only way to maintain and develop interpersonal relationships or build an effective team. While the advantages of face-to-face meetings are invaluable, in exceptional situations (such as the current pandemic), it's possible to use particular tools for online working and team building.


Online tools for sufficient teamwork

Today it's easier than ever to work online. The entire team can meet online on Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom. These are tools designed especially for people working remotely, and these can be used both for work and social activities.


Slack is an online messenger that allows its users to chat and send multimedia, and use voice communication. The platform works online, so users don't have to download it to their computers.

Microsoft Teams

This service was designed for remote work. It's convenient, and it combines voice and visual communication. A significant advantage of this app is the option to share Word, Excel, or PowerPoint documents. What is more, there is a screen sharing feature, so it's an excellent tool for online team building.


Zoom is a program for video conferencing and remote working. The application comes with additional features, such as the ability to chat simultaneously or send files. As with Teams, integration on Zoom is made more comfortable with the ability to share your screen.

Of course, there are more tools available for remote working and online team building - Google Hangouts, Discord, or Skype. Thanks to such a multitude of options, users can use each software according to the team's individual needs.

How to run online team building?

Remote socialization activities can be fun and effective - a great option is a team building game.

However, it's essential to choose the one best suited to the company's politics and a large distance between the participants - all team games must be performed online. On the other hand, quizzes and games based on remote-test formulas should work perfectly, especially if the questions and answers are displayed on the screen. A great example of such an integrational game is Quizado - an innovative tool for remote team building.

Quizado - online team building game

Quizado is a straightforward game that can be used for online co-workers socialization, remote training, and team-building purposes. Quizado applies the same rules as the popular show called Family Feud, so the participants will have no problem understanding it!

How it works

At least two teams are needed to play the game, and the gameplay is supervised by the leader, who has access to the full database of questions and answers, as well as the current score. The game leader asks questions and the team members answer them, scoring points for their team. Each question can be answered in several different ways, but only the best answers are scored highly and allow the team to win!

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Sample question with answers

What animals go into winter sleep?

  • Bears: 50 points
  • Badgers: 40 points
  • Hedgehogs: 30 points
  • Gophers: 20 points
  • Bats: 10 points

What makes Quizado special?

Quizado is a unique game app that has many useful features that make the gameplay convenient. First, it's possible to add your questions to modify the game topics depending on the participants' needs and preferences. Thus, Quizado can be used for online or live team building and as a training tool, for example, during workshops. It's also possible to personalize teams and scores. The application is straightforward - you can control it from an iOS or Android mobile device or a computer (Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems). It's also possible to add your logo and play offline. What is more, Quizado also features many more handy options, which might help online team building.

Don't wait up and check it out with a free version!

How do I use Quizado for online team building?

You can use Quizado during remote work and online co-workers socialization in many different ways. It's an excellent tool for team-building purposes, thanks to which employees can enjoy their time together while working remotely. With the ability to add your questions, the application can be used as a training tool - you can, for example, lead a game about the history of your company, the current business, or the upcoming projects. Of course, you may also run a quiz testing general knowledge or how well co-workers know each other! Spending time together and mental exercises positively influence employees' mood, but it can also improve their operational performance. Online team building can also be used to build bonds, while face-to-face meetings aren't possible. It's worth remembering that the possibility of running socializing activities is also limited in the case of companies that continue to run stationery businesses. In such a situation, it's also worth organizing a team-building meeting via the Internet.

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They have already downloaded Quizado!

Some companies have already taken advantage of Quizado!

For example, the Polish branch of Norconsult posted information describing how much fun they have during the Quizado game. The team ran the game via Microsoft Teams, and they had a great time! Give your employees the same team-building opportunity by downloading the Quizado app.

How do I get access to Quizado?

You can purchase access to the commercial edition of Quizado through a subscription or a one-time fee. We also provide a completely free demo version - be sure to try it out and see how fun and straightforward online team building can be during a pandemic!

Check it out for free - download the trial version!

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