Using Quizzes for the Elderly: Enhancing Memory and Engagement in Care Homes

August 22, 2024

Memory loss becomes a common challenge as we age, but engaging in quizzes and games can help maintain cognitive health. Quizado’s interactive quiz, modeled after the familiar Family Feud format, offers an enjoyable way to stimulate and keep the brain sharp.

Quizado is designed for quick and easy setup, making it an ideal choice for engaging elderly residents in care facilities or independent living settings. With its user-friendly interface, activities managers or in-house staff can efficiently set up the game, ensuring that residents can quickly dive into a fun and stimulating experience.

While the fun happens, the brain gets a much-needed workout.

So, what makes Quizado ideal for cognitive wellness and engagement in care homes?

Brain Exercise and Memory Recall

Everything that happens in a care home should be designed to improve the overall well-being of the people there. That includes things like engagement and fun through games.

With the Quizado app, you can create your quiz covering topics like history, gardening, general knowledge, and more. It is completely customizable. Since the quiz is easy to customize, it can play a vital role in helping residents tap into their long-term memory.

According to a study published in 2024, quizzes are more important than repetition for those with memory impairment. And the benefits of quizzes are more impactful for those with higher levels of memory impairment.

Using Quizzes for the Elderly: Enhancing Memory and Engagement in Care Homes

Easy-to-Use Cognitive Games for Elderly Care Homes

Quizado stands out for its simplicity and ease of use, and it is designed to be as user-friendly as possible. The app is highly customizable; you can add your care home logo, change the colors, and include any questions that you like.

Residents and service users who can still use technology can use their own devices. Alternatively, there can be a member of staff within each team to tap the answers.

Regardless of cognitive abilities, the app can be set up and used to suit the needs of staff and residents.

Prevent Isolation and Loneliness

Isolation and loneliness are significant challenges for the elderly and cognitively impaired. Although residential care offers company (in the form of other residents and staff), participating in interactive games like Quizado can significantly enhance social interaction and emotional well-being.

Quizado works best in small teams, which means that service users and residents can interact with each other and the staff.

Working together as a team at any time in life fosters a sense of community. However, that sense of community is essential as we age.

Our family-feud style game encourages interaction, communication, and some friendly competition - all of which help stave off feeling alone.

Part of Overall Strategy

Cognitive stimulation therapy is part of the wellness of the elderly. Structured but fun sessions that involve problem-solving, discussions, and quizzes help to promote memory recall.

Language, attention, and memory are engaged during discussions and games.

Since Quizado requires some level of all of these, it makes the ideal addition to an overall strategy.

Enrichment for seniors in care homes or assisted living facilities is essential. Quizado works well as part of ‘meaningful activities,’ which means activities that the service user is interested in, such as painting, gardening, reading, and playing games.

Physical and personal care combined with activities that help to maintain well-being offers a stronger and more holistic approach to care.

Best trivia questions for care homes

Although we highly encourage you to come up with your questions based on your knowledge about the people in your care, we have a great list of trivia questions for seniors! It is packed with questions like Name a classic board game and name a famous landmark.

How to set up Quizado

To get the most out of Quizado for your care home or facility:

  • Make a list of questions covering topics that your residents will understand and enjoy.
  • Try to mix the groups so they are of mixed ability, and have a carer or staff member to help.
  • Include some questions that require long-term memory engagement.
  • Give them enough time to discuss and answer.
  • When possible, have some small prizes for winning teams!

Here’s what you need to get started with Quizado:

  • The Quizado app (try the game for free).
  • At least two teams (no limit).
  • A staff member or activities coordinator can host.
  • A mobile device (if using it as a remote control).
  • A TV screen or projector.

Get Quizado today and provide your residents with enriching, engaging activities that boost cognitive health and foster community!

Ready to Feud?

Download the game and play our demo set.

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