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Engage Your Church Community with Quizado

November 17, 2023

There are a few things that are true in life, and one of them is that fellowship and community hold your church together.

The church is a place that people attend for various reasons, but faith is the first, and typically, community is the second. The strength of the church community can get people through the most challenging times in life.

But, along with the hard times, there are times of great joy and fun. A church community offers fun and fellowship to its members as well as a sanctuary when needed.

Aside from an ever-strengthening bond with God and all that this brings, the strong bonds between community members are something that the church can foster—creating a sense of loyalty and support for all that attend.


The Power of Church Community

Taking time to be together outside of regular church gatherings is one of the ways a community can be brought together. Togetherness strengthens faith and deepens the link between church members, God, and Humankind.

Creating opportunities for church members to gather together outside of regular church-going is one of the most powerful ways to create bonds that exist outside of the church doors.

In modern times, even with so many ways to communicate, the feeling of loneliness and a lack of community and support can be very common in people of all ages.

Building strong bonds with the people they attend church with can prevent these feelings of isolation and give people a warmth that might otherwise be missing.

The power of the church community is far-reaching and can change the lives of the members.

What Are The Challenges in Building Church Fellowship?

The church community has a broad range of people in it, which poses one of the biggest challenges.

To build a healthy church community, being able to welcome a wide range of people from all different backgrounds is a must. But finding things that they all enjoy and find valuable can be tricky. Luckily - everyone likes fun!

So, how do you break down barriers and become a stronger community?


One of the biggest factors that can leave some community leaders feeling like they will never build a community is the expectations they set for themselves. When you are cultivating a healthy community, trying to rush it will leave you struggling. Consider what the real expectations should be for growing a strong community.

There can also sometimes be expectations placed on new members to ‘feel at home’ too quickly or for older, more staunch members to accept those who are still exploring what their faith means.


Not all members will have the same amount of time to contribute to the community. While some members might have more free time and be more willing, others might not have that time available. To help alleviate those time constraints, see if there is some way that the community can help. Is there a childcare issue? A travel issue? Problems shared between the members can often help people with the amount of time they have available for their church.

Not Ready

If the community you are trying to build is completely new, then some members might not be ready for it. Slowly introducing more activities and things that members can attend will give you great results. When things are new, it can often be more difficult to grow - this one needs a combination of time, fun activities, and letting people come when they are ready. Creating enough event opportunities for all types of members to be able to come will help.

So what can you do to encourage members to come together, and how can you start to bring the fun factor to their faith and time together?

What Activities Can Improve Church Fellowship?

You know your church members and the area that your church is in - which means you will know what types of activities might work. But until you try them and get to see them in action - you won’t know which ones to keep! Here are some great ideas for helping to build strong fellowship and community!

  • Church Picnic - great for warm summer days
  • Family Days - so children in the community can play together
  • Community meals - where everyone brings a dish to share, great for sharing heritage and background
  • Quiz nights - fun for the whole family, no matter what age.
  • Family Festivals - games, music, food and fun!
  • Vacation Bible School - not only does this support the parents in the community, but it also helps children build a sense of community that lasts a lifetime
  • Mom and baby groups - helping moms spend time together and build a support network

Within each of the events, there is the chance to do a range of activities that bring joy to your members - and you!


What is Quizado?

Quizado is a super simple family feud-style game app that is fun for all ages! You can create a range of fun questions or use one of the handy templates on the blog that include Bible Trivia, Fun Trivia and Sports, to name a few. Just like all the best games, it is interactive and inclusive.

One person, the host, will read the questions they can see on their screen, or you can print them out if you like - and the teams, made up of your church community members, will race to tap their buzzer the fastest!

The team with the most correct guesses wins!

With your Quizado quarterly subscription or LifeTime purchase, you can use the app at any event. It can be set up using a screen and buzzer when used in a church hall, or for outside events, mobile phones can be used.

Check out the Quizado tutorial for all the ways you can play!

How Quizado Can Help with Church Community

One of the best and most enjoyable things that you can do within your church community is create a sense of fun. And when you use apps like Quizado, you get both the fun and teamwork element. The Quizado app can be used for all of the events mentioned above - and more. Which means it is the ideal fun game for everyone to play!

Quizado is an inclusive game, which means there are options to suit all age groups - and you can make your own quizzes, too. For example, a Family Festival the Animals quiz can be great for engaging children. At a Quiz Evening, the Movies & TV quiz can be great.

When it comes to more faith-focused teaching, you can create a quiz that asks questions about what the children have been learning.

Here are some great examples of quizzes that can be insightful and fun!

  • A Commandments Quiz - do you know your commandments?
  • Important Figures - And What They Did (Noah & The Ark, for example)
  • Different Levels of bible Trivia (easy for children, up to harder for adults)

You can build your own quizzes, but we have a blog post packed with fun Bible Trivia to help you get started.


Why Are Quizado Quizzes Great For Community Building?

Trivia and quizzes bring people together in many ways. With Quizado being inclusive of all ages, every community member can participate. The Quizzes can be built to fit the church's teachings and the members' knowledge level - not to mention out-and-out fun!

The same app can help to host a date night for parents or test the knowledge of a bible youth group or vacation bible study group. So it is as versatile as you need it to be.

But what is it about trivial quizzes that are so good for building a community and strengthening the bond of the church members?

Useful: Quizado for your church get-togethers, youth groups, and community events is helpful for mini-teambuilding and can help test the knowledge of the people there. It will give you an insight into what else you need to cover and where you can further support your members.

Welcoming: Quizzes and trivia are great for new members to join in and are very low-pressure and fun. They can get to see the personalities of your church and maybe answer a few questions right, too!

Inclusive: Quizado quizzes are designed to work with any age group and ability, which means you can be as inclusive as possible with your church members.

Flexible: The Quizado app allows you to create quizzes to meet any needs - which means that you can switch between general knowledge, options for younger children, and anything in between.

Unity: Events that have activities that require people to work together in groups and teams foster a sense of loyalty and light but healthy competition. And if each time the teams are different, more of the people in the community will get time together.

What Features Make Quizado Ideal For Church Communities?

Quizado is designed to be as simple as possible; with so many people having access to a mobile phone - it is great for everyone. Since you can use Quizado to work with any number of teams, it doesn’t matter how big or small your church community is - it can work for everyone.

With complete personalization, you can ensure that there are no questions that are unsuitable for the community and create questions that work for the age group and people you have in your membership.

The Quizado app doesn’t require the internet, so you are free to play wherever and whenever - this flexibility is beneficial for churches that don’t have the best internet reception or where there is limited access.

We know that your church name and logo are important parts of feeling like you all belong to a community, so you can find options to add your logo, too.

Fun and Fellowship with Quizado and You

The church offers a safe and nurturing space for people to explore their faith, learn, and feel like they belong. These bonds last a lifetime - with the right dose of fun, it can be incredible.

Inclusive events using Quizado where the whole family can experience the community and members (both new and old), can take part, is an essential part of creating a church community that feels more like family.

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